Network marketing is a very lucrative market and many people get drawn towards this easily. If you consider building your career in network marketing then you have to first understand if this is the right career for you. It is equally tough like any other business. If you are still wondering about it then here are few reasons not to get into it.
Not willing to work hard
It is not easy to be an entrepreneur as it requires hard work, single minded focus on your goal and be committed. Just like any other business you have to face many challenges, failures and long hours. If you think it is too much work then network marketing is not for you.
Will make you millionaire overnight
If you think that by getting into this network business you can become millionaire business overnight then you are taking a wrong decision. Building this business needs consistency, time, patience and hard work and if you have all these four things then you can get into his networking business otherwise you should walk away from this business.
Make more excuses than a 2 year old at meal times
Like a two year old kid who makes a number of excuses if you make excuses the similar way and complain about not having time or money then you are not the right person to get into network marketing. In fact all those who are successful in network marketing started their business as they didn’t have money and time. If you have faith then you can take a leap into this network marketing business.
Not willing to give up something
Networking business requires you to give up some old beliefs and accept new opportunities. You should be open for new attitude and new mindset and give up your ego and learn from all those who are experienced and successful.
Don’t believe in the company, product industry or Yourself
You have to love your company, product you are selling, and believe in yourself.